Solid Organ Transplant

The division of transplant anesthesia provides exposure and experience in the management of kidney, kidney/pancreas, pancreas, liver, small bowel and multivisceral transplantation in children and adults. In addition, this service provides coverage for all pancreatic and hepatobiliary surgery, laparoscopic donor nephrectomies, living donor hepatectomies as well as the perioperative intensive care management of these patients. 

Residents will complete 2 months of transplant anesthesia during their CA-2 year, and a 3rd month during the CA-3 year.  On average, residents are involved in approximately 15-20 transplants per month, plus many hepatobiliary surgical precedures such as Whipples and liver resections. Residents will be exposed to the management of massive blood transfusions, fluid shifts, TEE, and thromboelastogram interpretation. They will become experts in placing central lines, pulmonary artery catheters, rapid transfusing lines and arterial catheters.

Core Faculty

Transplant Anesthesiology Chair: 
Lorenzo DeMarchi, MD. Professor

Adult Division

Brent Gilmore, MD. Assistant Professor
Matthew DeJesus, MD. Assistant Professor
Jason Guillian, MD. Assistant Professor
Susanna Kmiecik, MD. Assistant Professor

Pediatric Division

Mohebat Taharipour, MD. Assistant Professor
Sumeet Gopwani, MD. Assistant Professor