Regional Anesthesia/ Orthopaedics

The regional anesthesia rotation is split between Georgetown University Hospital and Washington Hospital Center.  At GUH, the resident will complete a rotation in orthopaedic and regional anesthesia. Trainees will be exposed to a wide array of procedure types, as well as a diverse demographic of patients. Surgeries will include spinal correction, upper extremity, and lower extremity procedures. The surgeries will range from short outpatient to multiple staged extensive procedures. Patients may range from pediatric to advanced age, and fall on the spectrum of healthy to morbid.  Anesthetic techniques may be general, neuraxial, peripheral nerve blockade, or a combination of these. Neurophysiologic monitoring plays a role in some spinal procedures and helps to monitor spinal cord integrity.

During the CA-2 year, the resident will perform approximately 200 regional anesthetics at the Washington Hospital Center each month. Regional anesthetic modalities include: Cervical block, Brachial plexus blockade (Interscalene, Supraclavicular, Infraclavicular, Axillary, and mid-Humeral blocks), Neuraxial blockade (Spinal, Epidural), Paraverterbral blocks, Lumbar Plexus block, TAP, Femoral, Saphenous, para-Sacral, Sciatic, Popliteal, and Ankle Blocks. As the resident become proficient in regional anesthesia, he/she can choose to continue performing additional block at WHC or GUH as the senoir block resident during their CA-3 year. 

Core Faculty at GUH

Brian Freeman, MD. Associate Professor and Division Chief